When we look at adorable—and sometimes heartbreaking—photos of dogs in need of adopting, what we don’t see are the dozens of people behind the scenes who dedicate most of their free time to helping those dogs find homes, doing everything from taking them to the vet, coordinating with local shelters, and getting them home from the airport.
The thought of millions of dogs in need of new homes—or their first home ever—who have lived through some of the worst conditions may be upsetting, but the fact that good people like Leah Rose Tangren, President of Friends With Four Paws Rescue, her volunteers, and the countless dog rescuers around the world who make it their mission to give them a second chance gives me a heart-bursting amount of hope. It’s all about perspective.
Leah spoke to me from her car to avoid all of the delicious (controlled) doggy chaos in the background about what it’s like to save thousands of lives, and why, no matter how hard the work or exhausting the hours, saving a tiny life and selflessly giving that dog her love until forever adopters come along, is worth everything.
Connect with Friends With Four Paws Rescue on Facebook or Twitter, or www.FriendsWithFourPaws.Org