What exactly does a life coach do? Well, this one volunteers, fundraises, cheerleads, and helps people who feel there’s something more out there find their way to it.
Mary Kaba Valis has made it her life’s work to people live happier more fulfilling lives. That joy spreads like wildfire to everyone around them. She’s not a therapist, but she is certified in something called the Scientific Method. She uses it to help people of all ages and walk of life improve their careers, personal lives, and relationships—most often, she helps them work on the most important relationship of all: the one they have with themselves. Years of working with children living with Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD, then with seniors living with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, she found herself wanting to help the masses to apply what she learned over time about overcoming the negative and confusing.
She also wears tiaras to the fundraisers she hosts to help children with special needs, and volunteers with the homebound elderly folks in her community. I spoke to Mary about what she does, how she does it, and one of her favorite exercising called “Negative to Positive” which helps you start to change your everyday thinking into something better.
Find Mary on Facebook at Your Sparkling Potential—or call her. Seriously, she shouts out her number on the podcast.